Stellantis/FCA/Dodge presentation

Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Aug 23, 2023 01:43 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Please be advised that Stellantis/FCA/Dodge has cancelled the scheduled meeting on October 3. They do not have new vehicle information at this time. However if new information becomes available it could be presented to our members at the November 21 business meeting in EGV.

Regarding those that paid for that meeting I will maintain a record to track who has paid. If you require a refund kindly let me know via my e mail and I will send you a check.

If on the other hand you prefer to let your payment ride for use at or on a future event just give me a heads up on your choice.

Sorry to bring this disappointing news.

Thank you to all members for supporting our professional fleet association.

1 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
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Hello to all. MFMA will be hosting its annual Ford and GM Presentations in August and September. Both require a $35 Payment. For more information, please view the following documents.