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(Vernon Hills)




About Us
The Municipal Fleet Managers Association began informally in 1980. A few government fleet managers met to discuss and decipher reports. From these simple beginnings the need for municipal fleet managers to communicate with each other became apparent. The informal meetings continued and were expanded to include a wide range of fleet management topics. Over the years, interest grew as more fleet managers participated in these informal monthly gatherings.
With this increased participation, the group took on a more formal appearance. Sponsorship from an area government council was established. We elected officers, began to develop specific programs, addressed regular topics, and generally shared information. Our big step began in 1992. Members reached a consensus to become a state-chartered organization.
In October of 1993, the Municipal Fleet Managers Association was officially incorporated as a non-profit organization.
From our simple beginnings, we have evolved into a professional organization of public fleet managers and supervisors. Our goal is to promote cost-effective fleet management policies, procedures and techniques through technical and managerial education. Vendor sponsors share the latest product information. Members discuss current issues concerning government fleet operations at each monthly meeting.
The MFMA meets monthly on the third Tuesday in Elk Grove Village, IL. Annually, OEM representatives from General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis each sponsor one meeting to present current and future product line development. Technical engineers are available to address issues presented by members. These seminars epitomize MFMA’s commitment to providing our members with the latest information.
MFMA membership is open to all qualified individuals who manage or maintain a government fleet. For more information or to become a member of the Municipal Fleet Managers Association:
- Ask any other active member
- Use the Link to print application
- Mail in a request to: