Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Nov 01, 2023 02:16 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Good morning MFMA members. My second request sent to the full membership last week regarding your desire to participate in our traditional holiday luncheon, requested your reply by today November 1! However, I am embarrassed to say that again the response is very disappointing! I have only receive 5 responses.

With these low responses it appears to me that there is little or no interest or desire to enjoy a holiday luncheon!

I do have more time to place the catering order, however, I want to ensure I secure a locked in date and time confirmation from the catering firm.

PLEASE, PLEASE, I am pleading with you to let me know by November 15, 2023. I cannot wait much later then this date!  My direct e mail is <> or call me at 224-588-6442.

Thank you for your consideration.


1 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
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Hello to all. MFMA will be hosting its annual Ford and GM Presentations in August and September. Both require a $35 Payment. For more information, please view the following documents.