Poll: Apprenticeships

City of Naperville Tracy Rulo
Jan 17, 2023 06:38 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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On behalf of DuPage County Forest Preserve District:

  1. Does your organization currently have, or are you considering, an apprenticeship program?
  2. How much training do you require a candidate to have completed prior to considering them as eligible for an apprenticeship in your shop?
  3. What is the schedule for your apprentice (hours per day or hours per week, number of days per week, shift, etc.)?
  4. Is the position paid or unpaid?
  5. If paid, what is the current rate?
  6. Do you consider both candidates that are in school or recent graduates only?
  7. Do you work with the school to sign off on service hours credits as part of their curriculum? If yes, briefly describe the process.
  8. Briefly describe the communication process or reporting process between your organization and the school.
  9. Who evaluates the apprentice's work and progress? Mentor technician, Fleet manager, or both?
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City of Naperville Tracy Rulo
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