How many Vactor or combination trucks in fleet

village of carol stream andrew olsen
Dec 13, 2022 02:50 PM 5 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2022
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How many Vactor or combination trucks are in your fleet? We are trying to budget for a second unit. Also how many water/sewer employees do you have?

6 Subscribers
village of carol stream andrew olsen
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Village of Oak Park Ken Crowley
Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
Village of Arlington Heights Ray Salisbury
City of Naperville Tracy Rulo
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5 Answers
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Best Answer
Feb 03, 2023

We have 6 combo units:

2 in Public Works - 2 field supervisors over storms & streets, 12 operators

4 in Water Utility - they're separate from DPW, so no data on staffing for those operations. In addition for sanitary & sewer cleanout, they use two for hydro-excavation.

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Best Answer
Feb 01, 2023

Arlington Heights has a Vactor, a Jetter, and a combination truck assigned to the Sewer Unit. Water Distribution also uses the combination truck for hydro-excavating.

Sewer Unit has (1) Foreman, (1) Crew Chief, (8) Maintenance Worker II, and (2) Maintenance Worker I

Water Distribution Unit has (1) Foreman, (2) Crew Chiefs, (4) Maintenance Worker II, and (4) Maintenance Worker I

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Best Answer
Feb 01, 2023

The Village of Schaumburg currently has one Combo truck (Assigned to Storm Division) and one jetter (Assigned to Sanitary Division). The jetter is being proposed for replacement in our vehicle replacement plan for FY24, and the recommendation is to upgrade to a combo unit.

Water Division - 11 FT, 1 PT
Storm Division - 6 FT
Sanitary Division - 8 FT

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Best Answer
Jan 20, 2023

One combo truck, one jetter truck. We are in discussions about a combo trailer for small jobs. Water Division has 9 employees for the work on the street and 15 employees in total.

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Best Answer
Dec 13, 2022

Andrew the web site is not up and running live until after January 1, 2023.

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