Fuel Master with AIM

Retired Alex Kostueck
Apr 04, 2024 10:19 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Is any one using  Fuel Master with AIM ?

Your opinion of its pros and cons

3 Subscribers
Retired Alex Kostueck
Village of Oak Park Ken Crowley
McHenry County Division of Transportation Benjamin Justen
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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Apr 09, 2024

We have FuelMaster, started using the AIM at the beginning, we had a lot of issues with them not working and properly transferring data. We just use the Prokee at the FuelMaster tower where they have to manually enter mileage, that has worked fine.

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Best Answer
Apr 05, 2024

We have Fuelmaster, but my PW Director, at that time, didn't see the value in it. All our divisions are actually pretty good at entering the proper data. I know, shocking. Years of hammering the why into them. I've talked to several others and have heard lukewarm responses. Signal issues, transferring equipment from vehicle to vehicle, cost, etc. Good luck.

Retired Alex Kostueck
- Apr 06, 2024 12:51 PM
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thanks for the response

Retired Alex Kostueck
- Apr 06, 2024 12:51 PM
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thanks for responding

Village of Wheeling Lana Rudnik
- Apr 05, 2024 04:39 PM
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We used to use AIM on some of our vehicles but since just have users use the chip key. We had various issues with AIM, it would work on some squads but not on the others. We also had a problem with the ambulances where AIM would not put correct mileage in. Sometimes AIM would not communicate and vehicles could not get fuel. Reprogramming, trouble shooting and cost was not worth it.

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1 thought on “Fuel Master with AIM”

  1. We have Fuelmaster and opted NOT to implement AIM.

    Prior we had EJ Ward and invested in their equivalent to AIM for PD & Fire only. We chose NOT to implement AIM when we made the switch due to all of the electronics already tied into OBD-II for those units.

    We run the fuel transaction report in Fuelmaster daily and import into CFA daily. Takes maybe five minutes. We only see up to 3 meter error issues each day. When we receive a meter error, we look at past transaction history in CFA Fuel Snapshot. We compare typical miles per gallon to see if we can tell that they transposed numbers, etc. Those, we’ll just correct. Otherwise, we contact the department to get the correct meter reading.

    We import the fuel and then separately key a meter update for those that had a meter issue.

    For our PD patrol, they are keyed alike, so there are times when they’ll grab the wrong set of keys. On those units, we reach out to PD for the unit fueled & its meter at the time it was fueled.

    For those PD errors, we delete the transaction from the import file, reimport into CFA, then later separately rekey the entire transaction once we have the correct information.

    We explain the purpose of meters (usage>cost per usage>replacement analysis>proving they need a new vehicle) to give them the “what’s in it for me”, so we have a great rate of compliance.

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