Cost Analysis for Keeping Vehicles Parked Inside Opposed to Outside

Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
Nov 14, 2023 03:06 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2022
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I imagine this is a long shot, but does anyone have any data/reporting on reduction of maintenance costs for keeping any vehicles parked inside rather than outside?

They are talking about building a new Police Station here. We have 60 vehicles in the Police Department and initial plans were to have indoor parking for about 30.

2 Subscribers
Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
Retired Alex Kostueck
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Nov 14, 2023

Sound fleet storage practices help provide the ROI on equipment | Fleet Maintenance

Hello Brian see attached article, i also believe there was APWA article on the same subject

Working on some storage building issues also  hope this helps

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