Backup Plan to On-Site Fueling

Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
May 03, 2023 07:18 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2022
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Good afternoon,

I am currently exploring back up solutions in the event that our on site fuel site has a catastrophic failure. We have two 10,000 gallon UST's for unleaded and one 20,000 gallon UST for diesel.

I am curious what everybody else has for a backup plan in the event of a failure at your on site location. I have been exploring WEX credit cards, to see if this is a viable option.

Please let me know of any other solutions I should potentially explore.

3 Subscribers
Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
Village of Lincolnshire Matt Liewehr
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Best Answer
Jul 11, 2023

Sorry, finally registered.  We have 3 sites with both gasoline and diesel.  Our current plan is to have WEX as a back-up.  There are 48 cards distributed throughout the city that each department has control of a few and Finance holds the rest.  I personally have 2, which is down from the 6 we had a few years ago.  These cards are also used for fuel when vehicles are out of the area for training or conference purposes, or rental vehicles.

I will be installing 2 new sites (replacements) in the near future, and my catastrophe plan will be to install diesel generators at the site to run the pumps.  I am figuring if my pumps are down, all City stations are down, and I don't want the travel issues or long lines associated in this type of situation.  It's not perfect, but it is a start.

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Best Answer
May 04, 2023

We recently removed our gasoline UST and got WEX cards.  There have been no issues with them at all.  Our backup plan before WEX cards was having an account with a nearby 24/7 gas station that has gasoline and diesel.

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