Upcoming Ford Presentation Special Request

Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Aug 06, 2024 03:44 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Sorry to keep bothering our members, I need to twist many more arms to attend this important meeting!!  I only have 22 registered and you all know I need a minimum of 50 !

On a side note the Ford Service representative is requesting that you send him directly a list of your current Ford VINs and any specific issues or problems you are having with them in service !  He will generate a comprehensive report  and any recalls that you maynot be award of. Send them to his Ford e mail address which is : Dwayne Washington <dwashi14@ford.com>

Thank you.

Lastly I still haven't heard from more then one member that will be bringing a newer Police Intercetor.


2 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Village of Arlington Heights Ray Salisbury
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