Looking for any input/experience on the 7.3 gas engine in a Ford Ambulance application.
We've had one on order for a while, now ready to put an order in for another ambulance.
Without having one in service yet, we are looking for input to determine gas or diesel on next order.
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We switched to gas for our PW vehicles and ambulances. That engine works just fine in an ambulance, bucket truck, or Streets dump truck. The fuel mileage is lower, but not much. At least the vehicles aren’t down for after-treatment issues. Any tech of a certain age will have no problems working on a standard gas big block.
We switched to gas for our PW vehicles and ambulances. That engine works just fine in an ambulance, bucket truck, or Streets dump truck. The fuel mileage is lower, but not much. At least the vehicles aren’t down for after-treatment issues. Any tech of a certain age will have no problems working on a standard gas big block.