Good morning members. It is time for me to remind everyone that the next big meeting is the 30th General Motors/Chevrolet meeting on Tuesday September 19, 2023.
As of today I am short 8 members to meet the minimum requirement for the banquet hall.
If you have registered thank you very much. All others please give this your highest consideration to attend.
In order for the big three manufacturers to return each year we need to demonstrate our willingness to participate in these important presentations, with high numbers of attendees.
If you cannot provide the registration fee by the drop dead date of September 15, do not let that stop you from attending. I will accept late payment and also your payment can be made by your credit card for a nominal fee of $1.50. Just give me a call or e mail of your intention to attend.
Thank you again for your support and for being an active member of our fleet managers association.