Looking for parts or a reliable parts source

Village of Barrington Jeff Bixby
Oct 08, 2024 04:42 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Oct 2023
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Good morning everyone, I am looking for an iversion air valve Wabco #9718991520 for our street sweeper. peterbilt has told me they are 144 days out at best. I have located one through amazon, but I won't even see that one until the end of the month. Do any of you stock one that I can borrow or buy until the one I ordered arrives and I can reimburse?

I am also lookng for a source for a Ford door lock module PN#AX3Z-15604-D for a 2008 Ford F-450. I have been told this part is obsolete and no longer available. I'm starting to look for used ones, but you all know what a crap shoot that is. Thank you for any help that you can give.

2 Subscribers
Village of Barrington Jeff Bixby
Retired Alex Kostueck
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Oct 09, 2024
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