31st GM presentation

Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
Aug 28, 2024 07:08 PM 0 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Good day members. Thank you very much for the fabulous turn out for the 31st Ford presentation.

We had 66 participants that attended and that speaks volumes for our association with Ford.

Thank you again for the members that brought your Ford vehicles to display. With that sense of gratitude, I am requesting again if anyone has GM Law Enforcment vehicle to let me know and bring them with again.

In closing I need to twist a few more arms to register for the GM presentation on Tuesday Sept. 10, at Belvedere Banquets. Deadline is Friday, September 6.

I have 30 registered and need 50 to make this event worth while for GM and MFMA. The flyer is on our website on the opening page should you need it to procure your registration fee.

Please don't let me or MFMA down !!

Thank you.

1 Subscribers
Village of Elk Grove Village Jack Gray
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