What Fleet Software is everyone using?

Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
Aug 01, 2024 02:55 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Dec 2022
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Schaumburg has been using CFA for decades, but ever since IT moved the server to the cloud, due to security concerns, we've been experiencing issues with the app closing and lagging and are looking for a potential new solution. Some questions.

  • What program are you currently using?
  • How long have you been using it for?
  • Are you satisfied with the program?
  • What program did you use before?

All other divisions here at Schaumburg utilize City Works, but our preference would be to switch to a fleet dedicated software. We have met with Fleetio and have a meeting scheduled with RTA. For anybody using either of those programs, I'm interested in how the program is working out for you. Also, curious of anyone who switched their fleet operation to City Works if they are satisfied, or if they could go back wish they would have went a different route.

Thanks, All!

3 Subscribers
Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
DuPage County William Bell
City of Rolling Meadows Isaias Adame
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